This route takes 24 months to complete and includes a requirement for 20% off the job training and an End Point Assessment. 

The qualification element of the off the job training can be any qualification currently accepted for the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. Currently these two qualifications are being offered by Apprenticeship Training providers: 

  • Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance and Development or 
  • Post Graduate Certificate in a Career Related Area

The Higher Apprenticeship: Career Development Professional Standard

IfATE work with employers to develop, approve, review and revise apprenticeships and technical qualifications.

Apprenticeship: Off the Job Training

Apprenticeship: Off the Job Training

Policy background and examples to support the 2022 / 2023 apprenticeship funding rules

Apprenticeship Training Providers

Apprenticeship Training Providers

Training providers for Career development professional (level 6) via

End Point Assessment

End Point Assessment

End-point assessment plan for Career Development Professional apprenticeship standard.

Apprenticeship Funding

Apprenticeship Funding

Apprenticeship funding in England from June 2022, published by the DfE.

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