Career Assured
Career Assured is the CDI's quality award for digital resources and CPD learning activities. The award enables practitioners to be confident that the resource or activity they are choosing meets the needs of careers professionals and is of a high standard.
Resources and activities that achieve the Career Assured Quality Mark benefit from:
- Displaying the Career Assured logo on collateral and website.
- Being listed as a Career Assured resource or activity.
- Publication of the achievement of the Award in a CDI newsletter.
- 25% Discount on CDI commercial activity promoting the Careers Assured achievement.
- Career Assured award presented at the UK Career Development Awards or similar event.
- Publication of the achievement of the Award in a CDI newsletter.
If you are looking to give customers added confidence in your service, enquire about the Careers Assured Quality Mark from the CDI by contacting [email protected] or call on 01384 376464.