Get Involved
Authors - We are always keen to hear from new career development authors. If you work in the profession and wish to write an article on an occupational overview, research, practice, policy or other related topic, please get in touch with Oliver at [email protected] to discuss your ideas. You don't have to be member of the CDI to write for the magazine and we are especially keen to widen the diversity of our authors so we welcome ideas from careers professionals from diverse communities and backgrounds. Please read the Career Matters author guidelines to ensure your article meets the requirements of the magazine before submitting.
Book review guidelines - Our Book Review guidance provides support for those looking to write review articles for future Career Matters publications.
Members - Every member who has supplied an address with their membership will automatically receive a copy of Career Matters in the post. If you think you should be on the mailing list but haven't yet received a copy, please get in touch - it may be that we need to update your address or mailing preferences.
Subscription - If you are not a member but would like to take out a subscription or purchase additional copies of the latest issue of Career Matters, you can download an order form and return it to us at [email protected].