Research resources

This section provides some resources that may help those embarking on careers research and practitioner research.

There are many good sources available to describe different research methods, so the sources below describe practitioner research itself, cases for its importance and the considerations when conducting it, usually outside of any one method.  Sources are arranged in: 1) discussions about practitioner research, 2) case studies, and 3) handbooks and guides.

(References to some research projects, to the ends of evaluation, are also contained in our section on Evaluation and evidence led practice.)


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Discussions about practitioner research

Sources below discuss practitioner research, its importance and general considerations in designing methods and executive projects effectively.

There is also a journal dedicated to practitioner research, the Journal of Practitioner Research.



Brief description


Neary, S. and Hutchinson, J. (2011). More questions than answers: the role of practitioner research in professional practice  University of Derby (Link)

Practitioner research in careers guidance

The authors explore the role of research within the concepts of profession and  professional practice; drawing on literature and primary research that captures views from two groups  of careers practitioners. Skills of researches, and the role of practitioner research, are reviewed. Academic and non academic researchers are each interviewed to contrast the results.


Watson, M., and M. McMahon. “Qualitative Career Assessment in South Africa.” Psychological Assessment in South Africa: Research and Applications, edited by Sumaya Laher and Kate Cockcroft, Wits University Press, 2013, pp. 474–87. JSTOR, (Link)

Comparing qualitative and quantitative career assessment and the development of career measurement instruments

The authors draw the parallel between the evolution of the careers field from 1900 and the parallel discipline of career assessment. At any given time, criteria used to assess practice are suggested as being related to the contemporary contexts. This chapter reviews and contrasts qualitative and quantitative approaches and introduces practice tools developed in the South African context to offer examples of the results of research.

South Africa

Markham, Annette, and Elizabeth Buchanan. “Research Ethics in Context: Decision-Making in Digital Research.” The Datafied Society: Studying Culture through Data, edited by Mirko Tobias Schäfer and Karin van Es, Amsterdam University Press, 2017, pp. 201–10. JSTOR, (Link)

Considering ethics of research in contemporary digital environments

This book chapter considers research ethics but with the specific focus on the issues, challenges and strategies required in digital environments.

New data sets and digital media are creating new ethnical dilemmas.  

This discussion is grounded in the UN principles of Human Rights.


Frigerio, G. (2018). Making connections through practitioner research. In Graduate Careers in Context (pp. 179-192). Routledge. (Link)(Paid)

Practitioner research in careers guidance

This chapter focuses on the role of the career development practitioner integrating theory with their practice through engaging in practitioner research. It describes the systems theory framework developed over the last twenty years by Mary McMahon and Wendy Patton as a way of visualising complexity of the individual in context when considering career development. The chapter considers the practitioner researcher in context and identifies barriers and enablers to practitioners engaging in research The chapter explains how practitioner research can be at any stage of the career development.


Shaw, I., & Lunt, N. (2018). Forms of practitioner research. British Journal of Social Work, 48(1), 141-157. (Link)

Understanding different forms of practitioner research

This review is from the fields of social and healthcare, but nonetheless draws attention to different sorts of practitioner research, and the distinction with other forms of research. 


Simon, G. (2018). Eight criteria for quality in systemic practitioner research.

Embedding quality criteria into practitioner research

This review suggests and rationalises eight criteria for high quality practitioner research, to motivate considerations of quality..


Archer, Elizabeth. “Design Research: Developing Effective Feedback Interventions for School-Based Monitoring.” Transforming Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Case Studies from South Africa, edited by Sumaya Laher et al., Wits University Press, 2019, pp. 317–36. JSTOR, Accessed 17 Sept. 2024. (Link)

Using design research principles in an education setting

This chapter describes design research in education setting, with transferable and relatable ideas for careers service design: Design Research has its root in educational research, particularly curriculum and technology design. The purpose of Design Research is to blend design and

research. It proposes a cyclical, iterative approach to design, development and implementation, which informs each subsequent cycle of design. This makes the research suitable for complex situations with many variables, such that the impact of an intervention cannot confidently be inferred at the outset. The approach emphasises a strong role for evaluation. 


Grant, A., & O'Connor, S. (2019). A brief primer for those new to coaching research and evidence-based practice. Coaching Psychologist, 15(1). (Link)

Considering concepts of evidence-led coaching or counselling

This paper is written for coaches of all types, and reviews the concept of evidence led coaching. It describes how evidence can come from a range of knowledge domains, and provides a matrix framework that encourages a critical consideration of relevance and strength of any evidence to a given practice.


Maree, Jacobus G. “Narrative Research in Career Counselling: The Career Construction Interview.” Transforming Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Case Studies from South Africa, edited by Sumaya Laher et al., Wits University Press, 2019, pp. 186–202. JSTOR, (Link)

Using narrative research in career counselling to understand client experiences in depth

Narrative research is an umbrella for a number of approaches that focus on individuals’ written, spoken or visual representations to tell their story. This chapter demonstrates the use of a qualitative method, narrative research in particular, within the context of career counselling. Such an approach was necessitated by the changing discourse in career counselling which requires more in-depth consideration of a client’s life experiences.

South Aftica

Newman, L., & Leggett, N. (2019). Practitioner research: With intent. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(1), 120-137. (Link)

Maximising benefits of practitioner research

This paper is based on practitioner research in education, and explains the sorts of initiatives that educators have embarked on and why. The paper discusses benefits of practitioner research to both the students and the researcher. The paper also makes a good case to justify practitioner research.


Gregson, M. (2020). In practice: The importance of practitioner research in vocational education. Education sciences, 10(3), 79. (Link)

Making the case for practitioner research

Based on the setting on vocational education, the author makes the case for the importance of practitioner research and reflective practice. Lessons are drawn from case studies of practitioner research in England.


Haile, Semhar, et al. “Negotiating Research and Life Spaces: Participatory Research Approaches with Young Migrants in the UK.” Refuge in a Moving World: Tracing Refugee and Migrant Journeys across Disciplines, edited by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, UCL Press, 2020, pp. 23–31. (Link)

Designing participatory research to understand individual histories: A case in migrants.

Participatory research is an important branch of research which involves individuals or groups within the research. It emphasises active participation, dialogue, and mutual learning between researchers and participants. The goal is to empower participants and ensure that their perspectives and experiences are central to the research process. It has been particularly applied to the topic of migrants in recent times, but holds much wider applicability for understanding social dynamics and individual behaviour.


Schlicht-Schmälzle, R., et al. (2024), "Bridging the research-practice gap in education: Initiatives from 3 OECD countries", OECD Education Working Papers, No. 319, OECD Publishing, Paris, (Link)

Activities that bridge practice and research gaps (from the education setting)

This paper provides examples and approaches from three OECD countries to the ends of closing gaps between research and education practice. 

Particularly they show the collaborative nature of engagement and discuss the conditions that lead to the success of initiatives. 

While not directly career related, there are a number of transferable lessons, particularly in schools.





Case study libraries

Practitioner case studies in career guidance are often not published. However, some examples in other fields illustrate examples of practices, and cover a wide range of considerations spanning research design, ethnics and action planning.



Brief description


Career Development Institute, National Research Conference (Link)

Case studies in career guidance

The CDI runs an annual practitioner research conference, and publishes the studies.


Education and Training Foundation. (Link)

Case studies in education 

Case studies delivered by Advanced Practitioners in Further Education during 2018-19. 


National Career Development Association, Career Convergence (Link)

Case studies in career guidance

The US body, the National Career Development Association, collects a range of small-scale case studies by practitioners, with many articles and smaller scale studies published in their Career Convergence e-magazine.



Theses and dissertations

There are several online sources to access open-access theses and dissertations. Coverage of careers guidance may be sporadic across these. Below, these portals are listed with examples.



Brief description


Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD), (Link)

Open access theses and dissertations

This resource provides a wide range of dissertations and theses giving examples of research. Careers guidance has some coverage though sporadically. 


eThoS (temporarily unavailable)

Open access theses and dissertations

The British Library no longer manage the UK theses library. However, sources that are open access are now provided here through the eThos service. (Through much of 2024, this service was unavailable following a cyber attack).


University of Derby Online research archive (Link)

Open access theses including from iCeGS on careers

The International Centre for Career Guidance Studies is based in Derby and online directories house historic theses and papers.


Miles, J. (2008), The Impact of a Career Development Programme on Career Maturity and Academic Motivation. MSc thesis. Fort Hare University (East London Campus) (Link)

Example Masters thesis

Example of a MSc thesis. “The present study addresses the problems experienced by South African youth in making effective, informed career decisions.”

South Africa


Research handbooks & guides

There are several books and countless publications that provide guidance on the processes and activities involved in practitioner research, and methods involved. Below are a few examples. Sources are open access (free) unless denoted with (Paid) next to the title.

There are also more general social research sources available online, such as from the Social Research Association and the Social Science Research Network



Brief description


Fox, M., Martin, P., and Green, G. (2007), Doing practitioner research. Sage College Publishing (Link)(Paid)

Practitioner research

This book is aimed at a broad range of practitioners who conduct research in fields of health, education, and social care. Authors provide the theoretical context, methods and processes to conduct effective studies.


Menter, I., Elliot, D., Hulme, M., Lewin, J. and Lowden, K. (2011), A Guide to Practitioner Research in Education. Sage publications ltd (Link)(Paid)

Practitioner research

This books covers practitioner research from the beginning, answering what research “is” and why we do it. Subsequent chapters talk about research design, methodologies, qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques to interpret the findings, and publication of results.


Bhattacherjee, A. (2012), Social science research: Principles, Methods, and Practices. University of South Florida (Link)

Overview of different research methods in social sciences

The resource is a free text book which covers the foundations of main social science research methods: principles, theory, practical implementation and analysis of results. 


Hammersley, M. (2012), What is qualitative research. Bloomsbury Press (Link)

Gaining an overview of common qualitative research methods

There are many textbooks on research methods, covering their approaches, philosophies, challenges et al. This is a free online book that gives a good overview of the common qualitative approaches.


Stenius, Kerstin, et al. “How to Write Publishable Qualitative Research.” Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, edited by Kerstin Stenius et al., Ubiquity Press, 2017, pp. 155–72. JSTOR, (Link)

Publishing work in academic journals

This is a book chapter which outlines practices for publishing qualitative academic research. The chapter takes a step-by-step approach through the challenges and different activities, from data analysis to writing and submission. It contains useful checklists for submitting to journals.

There are also proposals for the contents of different sections of a research paper.


Smith, R. and Rebolledo, P. (2018), A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research. British Council (Link)

Action research in the classroom

This guide by the British Council is aimed at teachers of English foreign language, but contains general approaches for assessments of classroom teaching.


VSO (2019), The Action research guidebook (Link)

Action research 

This book describes action research, which is sometimes considered a subset of practitioner research. In this context it is envisaged as a research exercise involved in many stakeholders within an education setting, engaged in data analysis, research, reflection, testing and learning. The guide outlines the steps of an action research study.


Jones, Katelyn C. Bridging the Research Gap: A Toolkit on Inclusive Research and Development Practices. Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2020. JSTOR, (Link)

Creating inclusive research studies.

A US publication, this nonetheless provides a relevant toolkit for researchers towards the ends of creating inclusive studies. 

The paper outlines five steps to inclusive research design, and also includes a series of worksheets to embed practice.


POULSEN, BO KLINDT, and TROND BULAND. “COME TOGETHER: Professional Development of Career Guidance Practitioners through Co-Generative Learning.” Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries, edited by Erik Hagaseth Haug et al., Brill, 2020, pp. 219–34. JSTOR, (Link)

Arguments for collaboration between research and career practitioners in an education setting.

Movements in international career guidance research have been calling for the advance of more qualitative and collaborative research in career guidance. Such calls can be referenced for well over a decade. 

This chapter argues that a development that would see more collaboration between practitioner and researcher can “take inspiration from the Nordic tradition of participatory action research.”

The study introduces and describes the process of co-generative learning.


Kristiansen, M., and Bloch-Poulse, J. (eds) (2021), Action Research in Organizations. Springer (Link)

Action research in organisations

This free book, also on our book list, includes chapters from various academics on different facets of action research studies within organisations


Espedal, G., Jelstad Løvaas, B., Sirris, S., and Waeraas, A. (eds) (2022). Researching values. Springer Nature (Link)

Researching values

Reflective practice

Values have been an important topic in academic literature for a long time, and are particularly central to understanding career decisions as well as being a reflective practitioner. This book covers and reviews ‘values research’ and proposes a new approach. Methods and their potential applications are convered sequentially through the book.


Shan, Y. (ed) (2024), Philosophical Foundations of Mixed Methods Research. Taylor and Francis. ISBN  9781032226071, 9781032226118, 9781003273288 (Link)

Considering the application of mixed (qualitative and quantitative) in the same study.

With the growth in data availability, mixed methods (combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to answer questions) has become popular. This book provides a comprehensive examination of the philosophical foundations of seven main approaches to mixed methods (pragmatist,  transformative, indigenous, dialectical, dialectical-pluralist, performative approach, and realist: chapters are written by leading mixed methods researchers.




Research topics (methodologies, ethics, impact evaluation et al) may be covered in the number of social research journals. (These are very unlikely to explicitly cover applications in careers guidance, but are likely to cover related disciplines, and salient topics such as education, human development, decision-making, social influences etc). Examples are below:



Advances in Social Sciences Research (Link)

This journal covers a wide range of functional disciplines but exists to showcase innovative research methods in different facets of the social sciences.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research (Link)

Though not specifically directed at careers guidance, the journals publishes some papers that describe some transferable methods and ideas and some potentially-related topics.

International Journal of Methodology (Link)

International Journal of Methodology (IJM) is an international journal that focuses on discussing methodologies used for research in the academic or industrial disciplines. Int. J. Methodol. provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of methodological approaches in research to different fields including new methods and instructional papers that can be used by the research community.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods (Link)

An interdisciplinary open access journal developed at the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM), University of Alberta, Canada. The journal, established in 2002, is a varied international forum for insights, innovations and advances in methods and study designs.

International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Link)

A key feature of the Journal is its mixed audience of researchers within academic and other research organizations as well as practitioner-researchers in the field. The Journal therefore aims to publish high quality methodological discussions which typically draw on a mix of academic and practice-based research in professional and service settings, and those considering the relationship between the two.

Journal of Digital Social Research (Link)

The Journal of Digital Social Research publishes high-quality articles within all areas of digital social research, including sociology, informatics, pedagogy, education science, gender studies, law, economy, social work and geography. We welcome and encourage cross-disciplinary submissions. JDSR is a true open access journal.

Journal of Educational and Social Research (Link)

Focussed on education, the journal does also periodically contain papers on methodologies and research itself. While not often covering careers, the nature of research topics may also create ideas for application in the careers field.

Journal of Participatory Research Methods (Link)

The Journal of Participatory Research Methods is a transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that is focused on the methods, techniques, tools and strategies of participatory research. The journal features articles about research methods as a means to share concepts and techniques unique to research work that involves participants and communities in the research process.

Journal of Social Research (Link)

Journal of Social Research is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal concerning social research issues. This journal publishes research articles covering social research, including: Humanities and social sciences, contemporary political science, Educational sciences, religious sciences and philosophy, economics, Engineering sciences, Health sciences, medical sciences, design arts and media sciences.

Research, Methods and Evaluation (Link)

“Sage Research Methods & Evaluation is at the forefront of research and scholarship, providing classic and cutting-edge books, video collections, reference materials, cases built on real research, key journals, and an online platform for the community {called} Methodspace.”  Papers discuss a wide range of topics that represent considerations for research design, execution, analysis and dissemination. 

Social research: An international quarterly (Link)

This journal has an interesting history from 1934 when it emerged in response to the rise of Naziis and the need for an independent academic voice, Today, “multidisciplinary scholars, writers, and experts take on contentious social issues, countries in transition, and phenomena that seem ripe for exploration.”

Social Science Research (Link)(Part open)

Social Science Research publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods to empirically test social science theory.


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