Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

As career development can play such a critical role in the lives of people from all backgrounds, it is important that the CDI and the profession represents the full diversity of society and can offer high quality, relevant careers support to people from all backgrounds.

In early 2022, the CDI engaged Ifza Shakoor as its first Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Associate to help develop and deliver an EDI strategy for the organisation and the profession.

The CDI's EDI Strategy was published in October 2023.

You can download a copy of the full EDI strategy, or the one-page EDI strategy summary.

EDI strategy 2023 - 2026

The EDI Strategy was published during 2023, shaped by work of the EDI Associate, Chief Executive, Head of Professional Development and Standards, as well as team and volunteer activity.

It is also informed by the seven EDI workshops in January 2023 led by the EDI Associate and Chief Executive, which covered gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, disability, socioeconomic and intersectionality.

The image below gives an overview of the Strategy:

EDI strategy for career development

Share Your Career Journey: Invitation to Contribute to the "Doctoring A Career" Blog

Invitation to Share Your Story

We invite career development professionals to share your career journeys to showcase the talent and diversity within our sector. By telling your unique story, you can increase visibility, inspire others, and spark critical conversations.

Please complete this form to share your experiences in as much or little detail as you feel comfortable. We welcome perspectives from professionals of all backgrounds. You can share about your qualifications, career path, successes and challenges, memorable moments, philosophies, influences, and more.

Feel free to send any relevant photos or visuals to enhance your story. These career narratives will be featured on the CDI website and Ifza Shakoor's blog to uplift voices within our field and provide insights to those interested in entering the profession.

Your contribution of experience and knowledge can have an empowering ripple effect. However, sharing is completely voluntary - only include what you feel able to.

To take part, simply complete the form and email it to Ifza Shakoor, EDI Associate at [email protected]. We look forward to learning from your varied perspectives. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Delivering greater diversity

The strategy sets out what the CDI aims to achieve and where it will focus to ensure the organisation is representative of society and to continue to improve diversity across the profession. While it is everyone's responsibility to help achieve this, the leads on EDI within the CDI are:

David Morgan, Chief Executive

With overall responsibility for developing and implementing the EDI strategy and ensuring diversity is embedded in everything the CDI does. You can find David's contact details on the CDI team pages.

Ifza Shakoor, EDI Associate

Ifza leads on much of the EDI activity, working with David and team members to align and deliver activities. Ifza runs regular EDI webinars, engages authors for Career Matters and more. If you have an idea or want to get more involved, contact Ifza at [email protected].

Steph Rix, EDI Board champion

Steph is a CDI Board Director and is the EDI champion at Board level, supporting David and Ifza and ensuring EDI issues are addressed at Board level as appropriate.

Having any trouble?

Having any trouble?

Do not hesitate to reach out to us anytime.