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This work-based qualification is designed for practitioners whose role involves providing personal career guidance & development to clients. Successful completion meets the qualification requirement for the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. The Level 6 qualification equates to ordinary degree level so you need to be able to study and produce assignments at this level. You also need to be in a role in which you work to the CDI Code of Ethics.
This work-based qualification is designed for practitioners whose role involves providing personal career guidance & development to clients. Successful completion meets the qualification requirement for the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. The Level 6 qualification equates to ordinary degree level so you need to be able to study and produce assignments at this level. You also need to be in a role in which you work to the CDI Code of Ethics.
This work-based qualification is designed for practitioners whose role involves providing personal career guidance & development to clients. Successful completion meets the qualification requirement for the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. The Level 6 qualification equates to ordinary degree level so you need to be able to study and produce assignments at this level. You also need to be in a role in which you work to the CDI Code of Ethics.
This work-based qualification is designed for practitioners whose role involves providing personal career guidance & development to clients. Successful completion meets the qualification requirement for the UK Register of Career Development Professionals. The Level 6 qualification equates to ordinary degree level so you need to be able to study and produce assignments at this level. You also need to be in a role in which you work to the CDI Code of Ethics.
Higher Apprenticeships are structured learning programmes that combine workplace training with study. Employers can access funding to support employees to undertake the training and the mandatory qualification.
The CDI Council is an advisory body that represents the interests of the membership.
The CDI's 2025 strategy launched in December 2021 and clarifies our purpose, establishes a clear direction and enables us to prioritise future investment.
There are many ways you can volunteer for the CDI, with key areas listed below. Some of these, such as Board and EPSC positions, will be publicised widely, while others will be promoted in the CDI monthly newsletter and on this website.
The CDPG brings together a range of organisations who believe that it is essential that citizens have an opportunity to access support in their careers. The group works with the Government and other stakeholders to develop policies and initiatives that support career development.
The project to redevelop the CDI Framework involved detailed consultation with almost 300 career development experts and practitioners, as well as key partners including the Careers & Enterprise Company, the PSHE Association and DfE.
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